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Selecting Images for Download or Purchase
There are several ways to get the images you want. The best method to use depends on the number of images; a) individual images, b) multiple images from one gallery, or c) multiple images from multiple galleries.
Individual Image
For single images, the simplest way is to click on the image thumbnail to view (open) the full image, then hover your cursor over the top-left corner of the image to reveal the *MENU* link; which contains *DOWNLOAD* menu options (as pictured at left).
Multiple Images & Favorites
For multiple images from one gallery click on the *SELECT PHOTOS* button above the gallery thumbnails, then click on image thumbnails to add to the Gallery Selection. Once selected, images from that specific gallery can be downloaded, purchased, or added to a special *Favorites* collection.
Selecting multiple images from multiple galleries is best done by using the *FAVORITES* feature of the website. A heart-shaped icon appears in the top-left corner of gallery thumbnail images. Clicking on this icon adds that image to a *FAVORITES* collection for review, download, or purchase later. Favorites collections are stored with your computer even after you leave the site. You can also add *SELECTED* photos to favorites.
FAVORITES | SELECTION Instructional Video
Favorites is a good way to select multiple images for download or purchase. You can have multiple *FAVORITES* collections; each containing multiple images from multiple galleries. The best way to have permanent access to your *FAVORITES* collections is to register with this site. Each time you login your favorites will be retained until you delete them.
If you choose to NOT register, *FAVORITES* are stored in your browser cache on Your computer. In order to access these favorites you will need to use the same browser on the same computer in which you started the Favorites Collection.
Favorites, and both options for multiple image selection for download or purchase are covered by the following video.